What to expect
The day of surgery
Our comprehensive approach to being prepared
Before surgery
You will be asked to come to the facility several hours before your scheduled operation. In the time before your surgery, you will register, be checked in, have an IV started and you meet the anesthesiologist. They will then go over your risks of anesthesia. During this time the anesthesiologist will also perform any blocks that may be necessary for pain control. Once all the pre-op action items are completed you will be transported to the OR by the circulating nurse and anesthesia provider.
During surgery
While you are in the pre-op area, the surgical team is busy preparing the room to ensure that everything your surgeon may need for the surgery is available and accounted for in preparation for your arrival. Once in the OR, the anesthesiologist will administer your anesthesia and continue to monitor you while your surgeon performs your procedure. Your family will be kept informed of your progress during surgery by the OR team.
Following surgery
You will spend some time in the recovery room after your procedure. Once you are awake, your nurse and/or physical therapist will evaluate you before you walk approximately 250 feet. This is done for many reasons. The first is to alleviate muscle spasms which are the main cause of pain after surgery. Walking breaks and stops the spasms from occurring. The second is to give you back the confidence that you can walk. The third is to help prevent blood clots from forming in the veins of your legs. You will notice support stockings on your legs, and you will also be started on medications, these two steps help to prevent the formation of blood clots.
Remember, even with these tools and medications, the number one way to prevent blood clots is MOBILIZATION and WALKING!!
There are many advantages to the advanced techniques utilized by the surgeons at UNOVA Hip & Knee Center that dramatically decrease your pain and allow you to resume activities at an accelerated pace. However, please keep in mind that your soft tissues will take at least six weeks to heal and as such you are advised to exercise restraint in the progression of your activities.
REMEMBER, utilize the Home Health and Home P.T. assets that have been arranged for you and follow their instructions at home to enhance your recovery.
Little to no opioid use for anesthesia or recovery
Drs. McCoy and Kerina, and their colleagues have spent their professional life studying how to combat the effects of arthritis. They have developed a unique set of peri-operative proccesses to enhance your surgical recovery. This has culminated in our current opioid-free outpatient joint replacement program.
Find out more about how they developed this unique program.