The Advantages of Partial Knee Replacement Surgery

There are nearly 800,000 knee replacements performed in the U.S. each year, and that number could quadruple by 2030. Partial knee replacements make up 10% of knee replacement surgeries, and with this year-over-year increase in demand, partial knee replacement surgeries deserve a closer look.


UNOVA Hip & Knee Center surgeons have been instrumental in developing significant advancements in partial knee replacement surgery over the last 15 years. Our collective goal is to help our patients regain their mobility and return to the activities they love as soon as possible. A partial knee replacement is the Treatment of Choice for people who have severe arthritis and bone-on-bone contact in one compartment of the knee.  Here are five advantages of partial knee replacements:

o   Less invasive surgery – Partial knee replacement surgery utilizes a smaller incision, preserves all the knee ligaments, requires significantly less soft tissue disruption and bone removal. It is not a mini total knee and has a different level of complexity since it preserves all the ligaments that are removed routinely in a TKA.

o   Faster and less painful recovery – Since partial knee replacement surgery preserves the tendons, ligaments, and muscles surrounding the knee, patients recover more quickly and with less pain.

o   More “normal” knee function and performance –Partial knee replacement surgery preserves more of the innate structure of the knee, making it easier for the knee to re-establish its normal mechanics and to return to “normal” movement. A higher percentage of patients return to sporting activities after a partial knee than a total knee. - Hopper GP, Leach WJ et al: KSSTA 2008

o   Safer than Total Knee Replacement– Partial knee replacement is safer than total knee replacement. Due to the less invasive nature of the surgery and more rapid return to function, patients face fewer potential post-operative complications such as blood clots, infections, pneumonia, and heart issues.

-  The Knee Journal

o   Higher rate of outpatient surgeries – Due to its high safety profile, nearly all partial knee replacement surgeries can take place on an outpatient basis. Patients often return home 90 minutes after their surgery, avoiding a hospital stay and recovering in the comfort of their own homes.


When exploring the faster recovery option of partial knee replacement surgery seek out an orthopedic surgeon who has done partial knee replacement surgery and does at least 25 per year. Studies have shown that in the case of partial knee replacement surgery, higher volume surgeons have better outcomes than lower volume surgeons. - Murray et al. 1998, Lisowski et al. 2011, Price and Svard 2011


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